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Love baby wearing and a great Barre Fitness class? 
The International Ballet School® in collaboration with Barre Fitness Academy® has prepared a perfect postpartum fitness program.

The Mama and baby classes are ideal for babies 6 weeks-12 months old, essentially non-mobile babies who fit in carriers. However we know how hard it is for mums  to get in a workout so we welcome all friends up to 18 months old. Babies are gently and safely incorporated into the class. We begin with a mat workout involving the babies, they have fun and will go on to get alittle tired. Then we set them in the carrier and during the series of plies, rises and pulses they fall asleep. The class is safe for all mums, we will work very gently on the abdomen area and with great attention to strengthen the back muscles. The best benefits are

✅strengthening of the back muscles

✅pelvic floor muscles for incontinence

✅core strength

✅Positive energy

✅meeting other new mums and babies

Welcome to The International Ballet School where we provide; breast feeding quiet room, cosy playroom, toys for babies, baby change, green room to relax afterwards for some simple me time!

Course includes 8 sessions. Drop in 220kr or book a guaranteed place for the whole course fee 1600kr

Starting Oct 19th Mondays 10:15-11:15 Ending date Dec 7th.




Dare to make a change!

Join the 8 weeks intensive barre fitness program. Commit to your goals with our special program: training, personalized nutrition and a lot of fun.


Why choose this program?
The International Ballet School® in collaboration with Barre Fitness Academy® prepared you a real deal. A fitness and lifestyle program suitable for everybody, with fast body shaping results.

We will offer adaptations for each fitness level, medical issues and a great motivation to each participant to reach their targets.

What you will receive?
 2 barre fitness trainings each week (we will increase the level progressively by adding special exercise structures of Abs & Booty and Detox Abs);
before and after measurements of your body composition;
 complex #nutrition #plan with focus on detox, metabolic balance and healthy lifestyle according to your goals;
 2 vouchers with #free sessions for your friends to celebrate the first month of your program completion;
 a surprise personalized gift to celebrate your program completion.


Location: The International Ballet School, Bergsunds strand 43, Stockholm
Period: 19 October - 11 December(8 weeks, 16 training sessions)
Mondays and Fridays 12:00-12:50

 The International Ballet School subscription
 BRUCE APP subscription
 Drop In to a class: 220SEK (training only, doesn't include program special benefits, so you better register the program)

Full Fee 3100kr with all benefits above!

LIMITED PLACES! To insure your place in the program, please use the link below
We will get back to you with all the information.
See you soon!
Nona Trif, your trainer and nutritionist 

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